
10 Early Signs That Your Partner Will Break Your Heart!

You meet a guy you gel with and get along royally, and if you’re an optimist, you start to picture a life with him, without any conscious effort on your part. That’s one side effect of the first flush of being in love.

However, there’s no way to know how the relationship will go – a few weeks, or months down the line. But, there are a few massive red flags that wave in front of you in all their glory, that you refuse to take note of because you’re blinded by love. And these signs, if exhibited by your man, then be sure that he will break your heart – sooner rather than later.

Once you’ve been on the block a few times, you’ll know exactly what to look out for, and what to stay far away from. Let’s take a look at some of the signs he’ll exhibit that show he will break your heart.

1. He won’t call you his girlfriend

If you’re with someone, it’s only natural to want to call each other your significant others, right? But if he refuses to introduce you as his girlfriend, or passes you off as a ‘special’ friend, then know that in his mind, you’re not his girlfriend, and nor will you ever be. It’s just that simple, truly.

2. He balks at meeting your friends and family

Your friends and family are the closest people in your life, and it’s only natural to want your man to meet them. But if he flat out refuses to do so, or gives vague to genuine-sounding excuses every time you bring it up, then it’s a sure red flag that he’s not in it for the long haul. That he’s planning his escape before it gets ‘too serious.’

3. He never makes plans

It’s always on you to make plans. And even when you do make plans, elaborate ones too, he won’t deign to make an appearance sometimes. You might probably receive a text later that day saying he just couldn’t make it, not even a breath or whiff of apology anywhere in his tone. Why? Because you’re not a priority to him. You have probably been relegated to somewhere in the middle or too low on his list of priorities.

4. He’s given enough hints that he’s not ready for a relationship


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