5. You can consume omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 has another important function in the body, increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning. As a result, weight is lost. This relieves the pressure on the affected joints, significantly reducing pain.
This fatty acid is found in nuts, cold-water fish (like tuna, sardines, or salmon) and hemp seeds, which are also rich in other anti-inflammatory substances. A small amount of these per day allows people who are suffering from arthritis to regain their health.
6. You can practice meditation.

Meditating also helps people to cope with illness and to maintain an active social life. Meditation is important in order to keep depression, which often accompanies this type of illness, at bay. You can start with 10 minutes of meditation a day until you reach 45 minutes, or as much time as you consider necessary.
7. You can take vitamin D.

It is possible to absorb this vitamin when exposed to the sun, by eating foods that contain it (like fish, dairy products, egg yolks, and mushrooms), or by taking supplements available in pharmacies.
However, it is not clear if increased levels reduce disease activity. In any case, it is best to maintain a normal level of vitamin D in the body.
8. You can get some sunshine every day.

If you suffer from arthritis, it is necessary to go out in the sun for a few minutes every day, always being careful to not get burned. The scientific evidence says that people who live at low latitudes, where sunny days are scarce, and where the climate is humid and rainy, tend to suffer from more pain with arthritis.
9. You can add ginger to your meals.

In addition, it’s safe to use in the long term. Whether fresh or powdered, you can incorporate it into your meals, starting with a small slice or ¼ of a teaspoon, as it can be pretty spicy.
10. You can use arnica.

Arnica Montana has been shown to be the most effective in treating the symptoms of the disease. You can get it as a gel or cream in organic or botanical shops. Be sure to buy products that are additive-free and 100% natural, as this will ensure their effectiveness.