Health & Fitness

15 Super Easy Ways to Lose Belly Fat

8. Sleep
Quality sleep is key to maintaining good health and staying in good shape. Sleep at least 7 hours, but make sure it’s a quality sleep to wake up well rested.

9. Avoid sugary beverages
Sodas and sweet teas are packed with sugar, which leads to belly fat gain. Stay away from these drinks to prevent accumulating fat in the abdominal area.

10. Coconut oil
Consuming 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on a daily basis can help you accelerate your metabolism and speed up the burning fat process.

11. Avoid fruit juice
Fruit juice contains lots of vitamins and minerals, but it’s also packed with sugar. Replace your fruit juice with water, lemon water or unsweetened iced tea.

12. High-protein diet
High-protein diet will speed up your metabolism and help you retain muscle mass. Consume more eggs, meat, fish, dairy and whey protein.

13. Reduce stress
Stress causes your glands to release cortisol, which is the stress hormone that increases appetite and boost fat storage in the abdomen area. Relieve stress and try sports, yoga or meditation.

14. Probiotic supplements
Probiotics can boost your health, strengthen your immune system and improve your gut health. Probiotic are not only great for your overall health, but also can help you lose belly fat.

15. Cardio
It’s the best exercise for losing weight and belly fat.

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