
6 Morning Habits That Can Damage Your Skin

Your skincare routine might be perfectly tailored to match all your skin needs, but there’s still a chance some mistakes you’ve been unknowingly making are standing between you and a flawless complexion. From eating the same breakfast every morning to applying sunscreen only when you’re outside, there are some less than obvious causes of annoying breakouts or premature wrinkles.

We at Trends decided to dive deeper into this topic and rounded up some surprising habits that might be sabotaging your skin.

1. You eat oatmeal for breakfast every day.

6 Morning Habits That Can Damage Your Skin

Having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a delicious and healthy way to start your day. But if you’re eating it on a daily basis, you might be unintentionally harming your body and your skin. When you eat oatmeal too often, you’re depriving your body of other essential nutrients, which in turn might lead to malnutrition and cause your skin to become dry and flaky.

2. You take long showers.

6 Morning Habits That Can Damage Your Skin

Taking a long steamy shower is a great way to wake up in the morning, especially when it’s chilly outside. But the habit of doing it daily could be sabotaging your healthy skin goals. Hot water damages the skin’s protective layer that locks in much-needed moisture, causing the aging process to speed up. And if you’re washing your face in the shower to save some time in the morning rush, you might be damaging the capillaries on your face because hot water causes them to dilate.

3. You drink coffee first thing in the morning.

6 Morning Habits That Can Damage Your Skin

Many people can’t imagine their morning without a hot cup of coffee, and besides being delicious, coffee can actually benefit your skin. But if you drink it every day before you’ve even had breakfast, you might be doing your skin more harm than good. Coffee is a powerful diuretic, which means it may cause you to become slightly dehydrated. This, in turn, will make it more difficult for toxins to exit your body through your skin, and make it more exposed to premature wrinkles.

4. You apply sunscreen only when the sun is out.

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