Health & Fitness

6 Signs That Your Liver Is Full Of Toxins And Making You Fat (And How To Stop It!)


The high toxin levels in the liver lead to hormonal imbalances that cause the outbreak of acne and various skin conditions.

Bad Breath

When the function of the liver is impeded, it can also cause bad breath, despite the proper oral hygiene.

Unexplained Weight Gain

Since the liver cannot eliminate toxins from the body properly, fat starts to circulate from the gut through the bile and back to the organs, causing weight gain.


In the case of a reduced liver function, the body stores allergens, which can cause allergy symptoms like headaches, fogginess, and itchiness.

A proper diet is crucial when trying to detoxify the liver and prevent liver problems. Therefore, increase the intake of liver-friendly foods like bananas, liver, sweet potatoes, dandelion, and ginger.

According to Dr.Axe:

“The worst foods for your liver include:

  • Too much alcohol or caffeine
  • Packaged goods that contain refined vegetable oils, artificial ingredients, sweeteners, and colors
  • Fruits and vegetables heavily sprayed with chemical pesticides and herbicides (non-organic crops)
  • Factory-farmed animal products, farm-raised fish or conventional dairy (that has been pasteurized and homogenized)
  • Sugary drinks and snacks
  • Refined grains”

To supply the body and the liver with the needed nutrients, start your day with a healthy smoothie.

The following one is one of the best options that help you improve the function of the liver:


1 chopped banana
A cup of Greek yogurt
Crushed ginger root
A teaspoon of dandelion root
2 tablespoons of peanut butter


Mix the ingredients in the blender, and serve the smoothie right away. Enjoy!

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