Health & Fitness

8 Foods Can Lower Uric Acid

The human body is able to eliminate uric acid by itself, but sometimes, it can accumulate in high amounts, and thus lead to serious health issues and conditions.

The excess uric acid in the body can cause a state of the body that known as hyperuricemia, that can lead to skin issues, leukemia, diabetes, renal failure, metabolic acidosis, gout, kidney diseases, poisoning, and toxemia during pregnancy.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

“A high uric acid level, or hyperuricemia, is an excess of uric acid in your blood. Uric acid is produced during the breakdown of purines, which are found in certain foods and are also formed by your body.

Once produced, uric acid is carried in your blood and passes through your kidneys, where most of it is filtered out into the urine. About one in five people has a high uric acid level. It may be related to attacks of gout or the development of kidney stones. But most people with high uric acid levels don’t have any symptoms or related problems.”

The levels of uric acid in the body can elevate as a result of various reasons, and the Mayo Clinic lists the following as the most common factors:

Diuretics (water retention relievers)

Drinking too much alcohol

Genetics (inherited tendencies)

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)

Immune-suppressing drugs

Niacin, or vitamin B-3



Purine-rich diet — liver, game meat, anchovies, sardines, gravy, dried beans and peas, mushrooms, and other foods

Renal insufficiency (inability of the kidneys to filter waste)

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