Health & Fitness

8 Simple Exercises to Reduce Hanging Belly Fat

This is one of the highly recommended exercise which can burn lower belly fat very easily and very fast.

How To Do:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, and your hands behind your head.
  • Lift your shoulders off the floor and curl your legs towards your ribcage; simultaneously.
  • Slowly, return to starting position.
  • Repeat this process in sets of 5 or 10 and repeat as many times as you can.

#4. Criss Cross:

The Criss Cross Pilates Exercise works your core. You can use a rope to ensure proper form. To get the full effect, make sure to keep your core tight throughout the exercise. The Criss Cross Pilates Exercise will work your core. Because your feet are off the ground, the exercise especially works your obliques and lower abs.

How To Do:

  • Lie straight on the mat. Place the palms below the head with shoulders wide apart.
  • Bent the knees and pull it up to the sheens.
  • You can now pull up your head and shoulders up from the mat till the base of shoulder blades as you exhale.
  • And inhale and exhale as you spread your left leg out and twist your torso toward right as if to touch the right knee with your left elbow.
  • Now inhale as you straighten your body and switch legs, exhale as you spread out the right leg and twist your torso towards left as if to touch the left knee with the right elbow.
  • Repeat the set 10 times and gradually increase it.

#5. Exercise Ball Crunch:

This exercise ball, stability ball, balance ball and physio ball all mean the same. This will not only improve balance, coordination and stability. This exercise need a lot more muscles stabilization engages.

How To Do:

  • Lie down on the ball so that the lower back is supported and feet are firmly planted on the ground.
  • Place your hands on your chest or behind your head.
  • Contract your abs and lift your torso up and forward. lower back down.
  • The ball must remain stable during each contraction.
  • Inhale as you lower back down, and exhale as you crunch.
  • Perform 1-3 sets and repeat 12-16 times.

#6. Rolling Plank Exercise:

The rolling plank trains your body muscles around the abdomen, hip and lower back.

How To Do:

  • Lie down on the mat or floor sideways. Support your body on right elbow and right leg.
  • The elbow should then be perpendicular to your shoulder and your left leg should be above your right leg, making sure they are together.
  • Keep the knees straight. The hips should also not be touching the ground.
  • Hold this posture for about 30 seconds. Once you are comfortable, you can hold this position for about one to two minutes.

#7. Vertical Leg Crunch:

How To Do:

  • Lie flat on the mat or on the floor with legs extended upwards towards the ceiling.
  • And then one knee that is crossed over the other.
  • Breathe in and then lift the upper body towards the pelvis.
  • Breathe out slowly. Do about 12-16 crunches for two to three sets.
  • Check out the video above on how to do vertical leg crunches.

#8. Hip Lifts:

How To Do:

  • Lie on the floor with your arms by your sides.
  • Your palms facing down and your legs over your hips at 90 degrees. Feet are flexed.
  • Then lift your hips off the floor using your core muscles while your legs are reaching towards the ceiling.
  • Then return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times

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