Health & Fitness

9 Exercises to Burn Abdominal Fat In 14 Days

Bend the knees while lying on the back, the arms should be by the body, and hold one end of a band in each hand, with the band wrapped around tops of shins. Lift the knees toward your chest until the hips are elevated and leave the floor.


Remain in this position for 3 seconds; then, return to the initial position. Repeat 10 times in 2 sets.

Advanced Moves

Leg Swings

Targets: obliques

Lying on the back with the arms out to sides, legs and feet lifted, breathe in and draw navel in toward spine as you lower legs to left side about 5 inches from the floor. Return to the initial position and do the same on the right. Switch sides 15 times, in 3 sets.


Ball Leg Lift

Targets: transverse abdominals

Lie with the face down on a ball and roll forward until the hands are placed on the floor. In this position, only the tops of the feet should be flat on the ball.


Lift the left leg a few inches towards the ceiling, while keeping the back and right leg straight, hold for 3 seconds, and lower it, Repeat this 10 times, and then do it with the opposite leg. In order to obtain best results, you should add 2 repetitions each week.


Targets: rectus abdominus

Brace yourself between the backrests of two sturdy chairs, keep the elbows slightly bent, your shoulders should remain down, and the neck relaxed, while the head and the chest are elevated.


Your abs should be tight, breathe in and slowly bring the knees to your chest, but avoid swinging back and forth. If you find it a bit difficult at the beginning, you can raise one knee at a time. Repeat in 3 sets of 15 reps.

Also here are 5 extra exercises that will help you burn your abdominal fat but of course don’t forget to do cardio exercise at least 3 times per week:

Medicine Ball Swing

Targets: Obliques, abs

You should stand and the legs should be a bit more than shoulder-width apart. Bend the knees a bit and hold a ball in the hands. You should squat, and swing the ball between the legs behind you, and immediately stand and swing it up in front of you and overhead. Repeat it 20 times.

Abdominal Hold

Targets: abs

You should sit tall on the edge of a chair and put the hands on the edge with the fingers pointing toward the knees. Contract the abs and bring the toes 2 to 4 inches off the floor. Lift the buttock off the chair. Remain in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then, lower and repeat for a minute.

The Hundred

Targets: lower abs

While sitting tall on a mat, bend the knees by the chest and the hands should be placed at the sides. Then, lie down and bend the knees, and the palms should be faced down. Breathe in and lift the head and shoulders.

Start pumping the arms 6 inches up and down, reaching with the fingertips. Breathe in for 5 pumps, and breathe out for 5 more. Do 100 pumps. Your lower back should be pressed in towards the ground and the lower belly muscles pulled in towards the spine.

Squat Thrust with Twist

You should stand with the feet wide open, and the arms at shoulder height, in front of you. Starts squatting down, bend the knees 90 degrees, and twist your upper body to the left. Then, switch the side and repeat.

The Cobra

Lie with the face down and the palms near the chest, and raise the head, chest and shoulders off the ground, while pulling the shoulder blades down. Remain thus for 2 seconds and then lower and repeat 8-10 times.

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