FoodHealth & Fitness

9 Signs You Need to Stop Drinking Milk

Brain Fog Might Be the Reason You Can't Get Anything Done Right Now | SELF

Brain fog isn’t a disease, but a symptom. It causes memory problems, the inability to focus, and mental vagueness. Even if there are several other reasons, excessive dairy consumption can also be a trigger for brain fog due to the high casein rate in milk which causes a false satisfaction feeling. A lot of research suggests that decreasing your milk consumption can help fight depression.

4. You have allergies and other skin conditions

9 Signs You Need to Stop Drinking Milk
Due to the similar early symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, and colic, a milk allergy can be confused with lactose intolerance. While 5% of children have a milk allergy, it can also be developed later during adulthood. Eczema may also flare up because of dairy. Try removing dairy from your diet and see if your condition improves.

3. You have high cholesterol

9 Signs You Need to Stop Drinking Milk
The cholesterol in the bloodstream comes directly from your diet. 100 g of regular cow’s milk contains 10 g of cholesterol, according to the USDA, which makes it dangerous to ingest in large amounts on a daily basis.

2. Your bones fracture or break easily

9 Signs You Need to Stop Drinking Milk
Calcium is fundamental for bone development and bone health, especially during childhood. However all dairy products -or animal proteins in general- are acidic, which decreases the intake of calcium. A study suggests that women who drink 3 or more glasses of milk per day have higher risk of fractures.

1. Your body is resistant to medicine and you don’t recover quickly

9 Signs You Need to Stop Drinking Milk
Although milk itself is not to be blamed here, the antibiotics that are given to cows may be affecting your health indirectly, a study shows. On the one hand, the medicine is vital for the animals’ health, but on the other hand it causes the development of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. While probiotics are our friend, this bacteria is quite the opposite. To get over a sickness faster, you may want to think about your dairy consumption.

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