The group of conditions that cause inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints is called arthritis. There are 100 different types, although the most common is osteoarthritis. In this case, the layer of cartilage that lines the bones degenerates, causing swelling, stiffness, and pain. Without ruling out medical treatments, home remedies coupled with a change in lifestyle can help reduce the symptoms and progression of the disease. If you or a loved one has arthritis, the following article may be helpful.
Trends has researched and assembled 10 very effective home remedies that can help bring you relief from symptoms of this disease and improve your quality of life.
1. You can change your diet.

As much as possible, avoid dairy and processed meats. A healthy, natural diet provides enzymes that act against inflammation and reduce joint pain.
2. You can control your body weight.

3. You can use hot and cold seed pads.

At the same time, the temperature decreases the nerve response, reducing the pain. The pads can be made at home, using a cotton cloth filled with corn grains, legumes, oats, or rice, all elements that maintain their temperature for a long time.
The pad can be heated in conventional oven for a few minutes and cooled in the refrigerator. The application of heat should not exceed 20 minutes.
4. You can give massages a try.

After 4 weeks, the second group, which received moderate massage, felt less pain in the affected joints, as well as greater freedom of movement and more grip strength. The Arthritis Foundation explained that massage decreases the production of the stress-associated hormone, cortisol, and the transmission of pain signals in the brain.
In turn, massage increases the production of serotonin, which helps improve the mood. Therefore, it’s advisable to regularly massage the affected joints and muscles, since doing so helps to mitigate the pain produced by arthritis.
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