Health & Fitness

How to cure canker sores and mouth sores?

Canker sores and sores are small wounds that arise in the mucosa of the mouth. They are usually small, although their location makes them uncomfortable and painful. Especially hot or cold, crispy and acidic foods irritate them, causing greater discomfort.

The difficulty in healing lies in the humidity of the mouth and the consumption of food. Therefore, we seek to find a quick solution that treats and relieves painful sores and mouth sores. We tell you everything in the next  post .

Why do canker sores and mouth sores appear?
Although they are wounds that occur very frequently, the truth is that it is not known precisely why they appear . What is known is that sores and canker sores affect 20% of the population. They cause pain and discomfort, both when talking and eating. They can be of two types: simple or complex.

The first appear a few times a year and last approximately one week in people between 10 and 20 years of age. Complexes are less frequent and are suffered by those who have already suffered some type of mouth ulcers. The appearance of sores may be related to several causes. Some factors that trigger them are:

  • Stress.
  • Acid or citrus food intake  .
  • Injuries from any food or utensil.
  • Weakened immune system
  • Nutrition problem or a gastrointestinal disease.
  • Orthodontics.

You have to pay attention to canker sores and herpes, which can be equal in appearance. Cold sores are caused by a simple virus and are contagious, canker sores are not. In addition, the former may appear in other places on the face, such as the lips, nose and under the chin.

In case you have a canker sore , the symptoms you should experience are burning and painful tingling sensation, also round, white or gray sores with redness at the edges. There may also be fever and swollen lymph nodes.

The good thing about canker sores and mouth sores is that they disappear, almost always, by themselves.The pain can be very annoying, but the important thing is not to put the tongue or the teeth in the place, even if it is a “temptation”. In a period of seven to ten days, these will be a bad memory.

Natural remedies to cure sores and canker sores


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