
Coffee and Inflammation: Does Your Habit Help or Harm?

For so many people, coffee is an essential part of life. Often, a cup in the morning can be what wakes you up or gives you the energy and willingness to fight the day. There is even significant evidence about health benefits connected to coffee.

Yet despite that, many people will assume that any discussion of coffee and inflammation is going to be negative.

The truth is that, despite our love for it, there is still a large amount of stigma surrounding coffee. For that matter, many people still view coffee as an unhealthy habit – one that they should probably stop, even if they don’t want to.

So, with that in mind, this post takes a look at the implications of coffee (and caffeine) on inflammation. Does coffee play a role in an anti-inflammatory diet, or is it something you should be avoiding instead?

Inflammation and Human Health

Inflammation itself is an entirely natural process. Basically, this is the way that the body responds to threats. Often, inflammation is noticeable, where a specific area will swell up and often become red and painful.

Yet, that isn’t always the case. Instead, inflammation can also occur within the body and you may not be able to feel it at all. Regardless of the form, inflammation can be both healthy and dangerous…


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