Health & Fitness

Destroying Belly Fat Without Keto Or Extreme Actions: An Effective One-Month Plan

  • Well-rounded Routine: Shift the focus from crunches and ab-targeted workouts to a more rounded total body weight regimen which, done at high intensity, will burn far more calories, tap into your body’s fat reserves, and boost muscle mass. Crunches do strengthen the abdominal muscles but done alone, they aren’t sufficient for burning calories as much as a lot of people need.
  • Intensity: Scale up your cardio as you progress. Raise the bar consistently, even if you don’t feel stronger. Exercise more often, but bear in mind that if you’re stressed, cortisol will be released which will counter all your efforts.


If you have followed the above three weeks dedicatedly and still don’t see any significant change, you should now consider paying attention to your gut health. Perhaps you have lower levels of helpful bacteria in your gut and higher levels of counterproductive bacteria.

Scientists have found that most obese people and those with excess abdominal fat tend to have more bacteria that stimulate the body to take in more calories by eating more.

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