Easy Tips To Significantly Improve Your Health
A lot of times we associate a “healthy lifestyle” with things like bland foods, hours at the gym, and deprivation. However, there are actually simple health hacks you can use every day that take almost no time or effort that yield mega powerful results with your overall health.
Seriously — you don’t have to go on a raw food diet or jog ten miles a day to be your best self. In fact, for a lot us (myself definitely included) extreme health and fitness regimens only lead to feelings of failure and discouragement, since we just can’t realistically stick to them forever. For example, take the time I went on a “no sugar diet” that happened to overlap with a cake-themed office party. Not only was I miserable, but I ended up eating way, way more sugar that day than I usually would have because I had been feeling so deprived in general.
If life experience has taught me anything, it’s that realistic, sustainable health goals and practices are the only truly effective way for so many of us to lead a healthier lifestyle. If you feel my pain and are just looking for practical, simple ways to improve your health, here are nine super simple health hacks that will drastically improve your life.
1. Add Coconut Oil To Your Coffee
According to nutritionist Deborah Levy, MS, RD, in a piece for Prevention, adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to your morning beverage will help stabilize your blood sugar all day. Plus, it tastes awesome!
2. Get Off A Stop Before You Need To
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