
Have A Long And Strong Hair In One Month With Only One Recipes

Additionally, curry leaves can be very useful in weight loss and acne treatment. In order to treat acne, make a mixture from 3 curry leaves and some organic turmeric. Tea from curry leaves is excellent for improvement of the hair’s health. Hence, boil curry leaves in water and drink from the tea daily for seven days. Within these 7 days, you will notice the improvement of your hair.

Curry leaves can be used as an ingredient of a natural hair tonic. Just mix one handful of curry leaves in a bowl with water. Mix the content until the water turns green and leaves soften. Apply from the tonic onto the hair by massaging it for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice weekly.

Hair masks which contain curry leaves won’t only clean your scalp but they will also help in the restoring of the hair’s strength and prevent further damage. An additional method for improvement of the hair growth is a mixture of curry leaves and oil. More precisely, you will need one cup of coconut oil and 4 to 5 curry leaves. Put the curry leaves and the coconut oil in a small vessel and then put the vessel in a large bowl of water and heat the water until the oil is heated.

The oil is heated when a black residue forms. Then, apply the residue onto the hair. Repeat the procedure at least twice weekly.

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