Health & Fitness

Herbal Remedies for Chemotherapy Side Effects

Taking Vitamin E supplements can help reduce the effects that result in hair loss and even mouth sores. However, it may also interfere with current treatments, so consult a doctor first.

A mushroom called Ganoderma Lucidum is known to have the ability to reduce loss of appetite, fatigue, and hair loss in patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Extracts of olive leaves act as good substance to improve immunity.

Aloe juice consumption is also a good way of improving immunity in the body.

Foods with potassium are a good solution for people undergoing chemotherapy since potassium is drained out during the chemotherapy sessions, which leads to fatigue. Examples include bananas (medium sized ones without spots), butternut squash, avocado, prune juice and so on.

Foods such as bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and black tea without sugar are helpful for diarrhea conditions. Foods that should be avoided in such a condition include dairy products, fatty or fried foods, dried foods, seeds and nuts, caffeinated drinks, spicy foods, gravies and so on.

Foods such as raw vegetables, nuts, low-fat popcorn, dried prunes and so on can help during constipation. On the other side, foods such as rice milk, bananas, calcium, black teas and so on should be avoided.

It is important to remember, as aforementioned, that many of these suggestions may be contrary to the recommendations of the doctors, which can be very dangerous. Therefore, it is very crucial that the doctors be made aware of everything before in-taking the substance. Also, it is important to keep in mind that half the battle is that of the mind.

So it is very important to stay positive and be able to find silver linings even when times are dark. Remember, negative emotions will do nothing but make things worse. It is your duty to keep yourself happy, no matter what the situation.

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