Health & Fitness

Home Remedies to Getting Rid of Ants (No Harmful Chemicals)

Most homeowners have had to deal with ants at some point. They’re one of the most common household pests in the United States. Ants are attracted to food and moisture, so your kitchen and bathroom are likely targets.

There are a few things you can do to get rid of ants and keep them from coming back. Start by cleaning up any food or water that’s available to them. Keep your counters clean and your food in sealed containers. If you have a leaky faucet or pipe, fix it as soon as possible.

You can also try some do-it-yourself ant control methods, like setting out bait stations or using a homemade ant spray.

Get Rid of Ants in the House: Home Remedies

There are a number of home remedies that can be used to get rid of ants. Some remedies only drive the pests away while others attempt on their lives. If the infestation is not that extreme, you can keep a lighter hand and use remedies that don’t kill the ants. But if there are ants all over, scavenging, biting, and infecting food, you may want to deal with a rather harder hand.

These home remedies only drive or scare the insects away and don’t actually kill them. The effectiveness of these methods varies depending on various factors.

1. Vinegar and Vinegar Essence

Vinegar can also be used as a cleaning agent, it has a strong smell, and vinegar essence is even more intense. Spraying directly onto the ant trail in multiple locations or pouring directly into the burrow will mask the pheromone trail significantly and ants will become disoriented.

A ring of vinegar sprayed around some ants locks the animals in like an invisible wall. Depending on the weather, the effect lasts for days, and an ant colony affected by the vinegar is even abandoned quite quickly. Then you have to keep at it so that the insects don’t make a fresh comeback.

2. Chilis And Cinnamon

Cinnamon and chili powder also interrupt the ant trails but do not encourage ants to leave their burrow. Cinnamon oil, which smells much more intensively, is more effective.

3. Lemons Peels to Drive Ants Away

The peels contain substances that stink to the ants and make them turn back into the burrow. Just grate some shells on an ant trail and the insects will turn back. Lemons are particularly suitable for patios and balconies because they smell pleasant to us humans too. Who would want to sit in a vinegar cloud?

4. Herbs and Aromatic Plants

lavender, thyme, or marjoram have a strong odor of their own. Branches laid out act as a natural barrier and keep the ants at a distance. The animals usually do not build nests near such plants.

5. Plant Manure Against Ants


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