
How Facial Masks Can Help Your Skin

While it’s recommended that you go to a professional esthetician for a fully curated and personally tailored facial mask, there are plenty of over-the-counter masks and at-home creations that can go a long way to restoring your skin without the price tag of a fancy spa or resort.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt, honey, and eggs have been used for centuries as home beauty remedies. Although these ingredients are fun to experiment with yourself, you won’t find them in a spa setting because of convenience and sanitation, but knowing the effects of each at-home solution can be difficult, especially if you’re trying to achieve specific results.

Whether you have dry or oily skin, you can try these solutions on your own:

  • Cucumbers provide cooling, soothing, and healing effects, especially when placed over the eyes or mixed in a blender with other ingredients.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, D, and E and oil, which makes it a good choice for restoring moisture and toughening dry and sensitive skin.
  • Honey has hydrating, toning, and tightening effects, and is often mixed with other ingredients for combined effects.
  • Papaya contains papain, a protein-digesting enzyme that dissolves the dead outer layer of the skin, which means you should avoid using this mask if your skin is already irritated or sunburned.
  • Egg whites tighten and tone the skin.
  • Yogurt contains natural lactic acid that helps exfoliate the skin and can be used alone as a skin softening face mask, which is appropriate for all skin types.
  • Potatoes thinly sliced can be used for oily skin or to reduce under-eye puffiness.
  • Herbs and teas such as chamomile (soothing) can be used as ingredients for face masks to add a variety of effects, depending on the plant.

Making a face mask at home is relatively simple—just blend ingredients together until you have a thick enough paste to smear on your skin. Depending on your desired outcome and the effects of your ingredients, you should be able to feel results as soon as you wash off your face.

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