Health & Fitness

How to cure canker sores and mouth sores?

It is one of the cheapest and most effective antiseptics that exist. It is a great ally to heal sores naturally. S olo have to mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse the mouth, with emphasis in the area where you get sore. Spit the water and repeat that process at least three times a day. Gradually, the pain and discomfort will decrease.

Sodium bicarbonate
It works just like salt as an effective antiseptic in these cases. Mix it with half a glass of water and rinse your mouth , swishing without swallowing the liquid. You can also form a paste with a little water and apply it on the sore; you must leave it for a few moments to have its effect. Then rinse with cold water without rubbing.

Another infallible remedy for mouth sores. Take a cotton swab or swab and dip it in hydrogen peroxide. Apply directly to the lesion three times a day. It will calm the discomfort and help you prevent possible infections.


The key to treating canker sores is to apply antiseptics that do not infect the area.
It is a remedy that can serve you well enough to calm the discomfort in the mouth, an immediate relief that will control the formation of bacteria . Do not use too much rinse, especially if it is very strong, because it is likely to burn you.

The property of an ice cube is to cure the sores little by little and, in turn, reduce inflammation and soothe the pain. It acts like a sedative. Put a cube in the affected area as many times as you need per day.

Thanks to the acid in the milk and the bacteria it contains, it will help you change the composition of the pH of the mouth and control the formation of new bacteria. Eat a yogurt daily, especially if you suffer from canker sores and sores frequently. You can apply it directly on the sore or with a swab.

Tips to avoid canker sores and sores

Mineral or vitamin deficiency causes canker sores. Therefore, it is better that you include them in your diet. Other conditions that can also cause sores are anemia deficiency or folic acid, celiac disease and Crohn’s disease, among others. Do not hesitate to add iron-containing foods to your diet, such as green leafy vegetables, whole grains or milk, among others.

Also, be careful when you brush your teeth, because that can cause wounds similar to sores or irritations. The same when you eat some crunchy food such as cookies, breads, toasts, etc. Finally, avoid acidic or spicy foods, chewing gum and, not least, do not forget to floss after each meal to always keep your mouth clean and healthy.

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