
How to Use Turmeric for Wrinkles?

Thinking of using turmeric for wrinkles? It is certainly helpful to look youthfulness. Many argue that feeling young regardless of how you look on the outside is what real youthfulness is about. It cannot be denied that emotional well being, vibrancy and energy are the keys to being youthful. Incorporating everything you can to maintain youthfulness inside and out will go a long way towards boosting your morale overall.

In fact, aside from the topical benefits of turmeric on your skin, research suggest that depression and post traumatic stress disorder can also be alleviated by ingesting turmeric. The reason behind this may even stem from the connection between depression and the body’s overall inflammation, which turmeric controls.

Is Turmeric Good for Wrinkles?

Turmeric isn’t called the king of spices for nothing. Among all the spices, turmeric contains the highest antioxidants. In fact it is in sixth place among the list of spices and herbs that have the highest antioxidants in the world. Turmeric is third place under cinnamon and cloves. The skin’s integrity is protected by antioxidants. The reason for this is that the elasticity and texture of your skin cannot be destroyed by free radicals in the presence of antioxidants.

Aging is also caused by ultraviolet light from the sun. Antioxidant containing spices such as turmeric helps protect from this. Aside from containing a high amount of essential antioxidants, turmeric also inhibits elastase, a key enzyme which reduces the formation of elastin. Collagen plus elastin make the skin pliable and smooth. It also helps the skin go back to its original place when you pinch it. In vitro, turmeric inhibits up to sixty-five percent of elastase.

How to Use Turmeric for Wrinkles

You can use turmeric both internally and topically to alleviate wrinkles. To use turmeric topically, make a mask using various ingredients that are beneficial to skin. You can mix turmeric in equal amounts with honey, coconut oil, olive oil and buttermilk to create a facial mask you can apply on your skin. Keep the mask on for twenty to thirty minutes and wash it off with water and a gentle soap for best results.

1. Honey and Turmeric for Wrinkles


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