Health & Fitness

If You Cannot Lose Weight, Try These 34 Tricks That Will Reset Your Fat-Burning Hormones

A lot of women who have weight problems also tend to suffer from depression, fatty liver, high levels of cholesterol, gallbladder problems, or pre-diabetes. Unexplained weight gain has also been associated with hormonal imbalance which is a very common problem among women.

Every hormone in the body is like a key that needs to be turned into a lock in order to do its job. The lock is the receptor site and it can be affected by numerous inflammations and thus, reduce the effectiveness of the hormone.  These are only some of the reasons why the receptor sites may be ineffective:

  • Too much grain from wheat, rye, barley, and corn products that are usually genetically modified
  • Exposure to xenoestrogens-substances that mimic estrogen; they’re present in the food, environment, and personal care products
  • Foods like meat, dairy, and eggs that come from animal that have been given growth hormones
  • Excessive intake of alcohol, sugar, and caffeine
  • Too much fructose coming from high fructose corn syrup, unsweetened apple sauce, and tomatoes
  • Stress
  • Sleep deprivation

In order to reset the hormones, you need to make the needed changes in your day to day routine and balance the hormones. This will result in a healthy weight loss and a new, healthier you.

Estrogen 101

When not balanced with progesterone, their imbalance leads to water retention, loss of memory, and migraine, as well as fat deposits in the hips and thighs and it may also speed up the aging process.

How to balance it:

Apply a topical progesterone cream to prevent estrogen dominance

Exclude foods rich in copper like nuts, avocados, chocolate, seeds, and shellfish because copper has been associated with estrogen and women who take birth control pills are more prone to having problems with estrogen dominance

Always wash fruits and veggies before consumption to remove all harmful substances like fungicides, herbicides, etc.

Avoid reheating food in plastic containers

Drink water from glass and stainless steel bottles, not from plastic ones

Avoid using personal care products which have parabens and phthalates

Add 2 to 3 cardamom seeds to your soups, stews, and other bean dishes since cardamom can cleanse the liver which is pivotal for the balance of hormones

Take 100 mg of DIM, two times per day, with meals, to control the estrogen metabolism



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