

Skin tags are non-cancerous tumours that appear as bits of flesh or dark-coloured bumps, usually around the neck or chest area. Many people develop skin tags in middle age and there is a belief that they appear due to genetics or weight gain.

I developed skin tags in my 20s and had them removed using laser technology. However, a few years later, they started to grow again. I have always been slim and none of my parents had skin tags. Therefore I decided to research on the real cause of skin tags.

They are triggered by a growth factor triggered by insulin. If you have them, this is an indication that you’re consuming too much sugar or you did at some point in your past. Thus, to prevent their growth, you need to monitor your diet.

How to get rid of skin tags:

1. Bicarbonate of soda and Castor oil

Mix some bicarbonate of soda with castor oil and apply on the affected area at night. Do this for several weeks until the tags fall off.

2. Tea tree oil

This is an excellent remedy for various skin issues such as acne, cold sores and chicken pox. Soak a cotton ball in the oil and rub on the affected area. Repeat twice a day for as long as required.

3. Garlic

Apply some fresh garlic juice on the skin tag at night and cover with a bandage or plaster. Use warm water to remove the bandage/ plaster. Garlic juice can burn the skin so you should not use it daily, but  every third day until the skin tag falls off.

4. Banana peel

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