
Never Hide These Things From Your Partner

4. What You Think Of Him

What’s the point in staying together if you can’t share what you think about each other? You need to tell them when they’re being wonderful, but you need to tell them when they’re acting like assholes too. That’s not something tha’ts just gonna go away on its own without having a proper conversation about it.

5. What You Expect

If you have unrealistic expectations of your partner, he needs to know about it because otherwise he’ll just keep failing you. They need to be able to stand up to you and your expectations and you need to be able to see them in the real light and not just create an illusion about them in your head.

6. The Set Boundaries And Exceptions

If you don’t like a certain behavior, set a boundary. Make exceptions for everything that you can tolerate. But don’t expect them to know what you like and dislike by default because that’s not how things work. You need to be able to communicate with your partner in a healthy way and see what they feel and how far they are ready to go too.

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