
Remove Blackheads With One Simple And Effective Trick

In the bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of mint toothpaste and a tablespoon of salt. You will get a paste that should be applied on the nose.

Leave the paste on the nose for 5 minutes in order to dry, and then, put some water and massage gently in circular motion. Next, in order to close the pores, you need to rub the ice cubes on the nose, and then, dry it. At the end dry your nose.

This is all you need to do! Your nose will be absolutely clear of blackheads!

How it works:

Salt does not dissolve in toothpaste, and this is why this combination is perfect. Salt has a strongĀ  antibacterial effect and effectively defoliates the skin. On the other hand, the toothpaste contains mint which successfully opens the pores and fights bacteria. The toothpaste cleanses the pores deeply and eliminates blackheads.

In the case of a dry skin, apply a moisturizer at the end of the method. Moreover, do not worry if the nose becomes a bit red, as it will disappear soon. Also, be sure to massage the nose really gently.

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