Top Signs That You Have Magnesium Deficiency and What to Do About It
Magnesium is all over the place. It’s one of the top ten most abundant minerals on the entire planet. It’s also one of the top five most abundant minerals within the human body, about half of it found in the bones. It’s everywhere but somehow millions of people suffer from magnesium deficiency without even knowing it as there aren’t many accurate tests out there to find out if you’re in dire need of magnesium, but there are symptoms that indicate your body would benefit from it.
Over 300 different reactions in your body require the right amount of magnesium. High amounts of it are found within the soft tissue of the brain and heart, two major systems that depend on the mineral to operate efficiently. It helps regulate your body temperature and rid the body of toxins. The list of health benefits is far too lengthy to detail, but here are a few key advantages attributed to magnesium intake:
- Regulating blood pressure
- Reversing osteoporosis
- Preventing heart disease
- Treating diabetes
- Alleviating depression and anxiety
- Curing sleep disorders
- Strengthening bones
- Creating proteins
- Helping weight loss
- Encouraging healthy circulation
- Treating asthma
- Preventing stroke
We’ve all heard how important calcium is for strong bones and immunity but without the right amount of magnesium, calcium can actually be dangerous. Once the body has benefited from calcium the magnesium helps flush it out of the cells. Without enough magnesium the calcium accumulates and acts as a toxin rather than being absorbed into the bones healthily.
Just as calcium depends on magnesium, magnesium depends on vitamin D for proper absorption. Magnesium isn’t absorbed well during digestion so if you’re low on vitamins you could be consuming magnesium but not getting all the benefits. Finding a balance between these three essentials is ideal for maintaining health.
It’s not terribly difficult to determine if you’re deficient since the overwhelming majority of people on the planet are. It is estimated that 68 to 80 percent of Americans weren’t getting the proper amount of magnesium in their system. A magnesium test checks the level of magnesium in the blood. However most of the magnesium in the body is found in the bones and inside the cells and only a tiny amount of magnesium is normally present in the blood. Hence there aren’t many accurate tests out there to find out if you’re in dire need of magnesium, but there are symptoms that indicate your body would benefit from it.
Some small indicators include a lack of focus and energy throughout the day. You may tire easily and find difficulty concentrating. Magnesium deficient people tend to be irritable and experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Listed below are some common symptoms of deficiency:
- Noise sensitivity
- Sleep disorders
- Infertility
- Frequent headache
- Digestive issues
- Depression
- Temperature swings
- Muscle tightness
There are also more serious indicators. You may experience a lack of appetite or feelings of sickness. If left unattended symptoms can worsen into abnormal heartbeats, seizures, and drastic mood swings.
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