
Types Of Girls You Should Avoid And Date

Selecting the right Girl is necessary to lead a happy and healthy life. Compatibility in values, life goals and faith/spirituality is key. You also want someone who inspires you to be the best you can be. Above all choose someone who is genuine, trustworthy, loyal and kind. Let’s Roll in the article the types of Girls you should avoid and date.

Types Of Girls You Should Never Date :-

Girls with eccentric characteristics that you should avoid. And here are reasons why you must think before you date such Girls.

1). Feminists:

She was born to empower, enlighten and save women from the chauvinistic men on earth. Her talks begins and ends with ‘how men are ass holes’. This biased girl will have no respect for you just because you are her boyfriend. Your girl friend fits the frame? Time to move on, find yourself another girl and get a life buddy.

2). Control Freak:

This girl is dominant and wants to show that she’s the supreme being. From choosing a place to eat and movies to choosing who you should hangout with, she takes a call. Sometimes you wonder if you exist at all.

3). Miss Jealous:

She hates your best friend from Day 1 and makes it known to him and you at every given opportunity. She goes out of her way to come up with ways to break your friendship. Wants all the attention to herself.

You find yourself lying to her whenever you have to meet your buddy for lunch or catch up on a sport or a movie. She doesn’t give you space and should you ignore her text messages or choose not to answer her calls, then you have had it! And you began to feel love life sucks.

4). Flirtatious Evil:

This one right here will win you over with her seductive glances and her flattering words. But the problem you’ll start noticing is that her flirting isn’t contained to just you. The glances she gives your waiter, the way talks to your roommate, or the way she giggles flirtatiously at your best friends jokes.

It’s one thing to be flirtatious as an avenue of affection within a relationship, it’s a whole other thing when you’re marked by your flirtatious way. Recognize this one quickly, because what you see here is what you’ll get.

5). Possessed Demon:


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