Health & Fitness

What Is The Right Position To Sleep For Each Of These Health Problems

Yet, the hours spent sleeping are not the only thing that matters, as the right position is also of high importance.

Apparently, sleeping positions have an influence on various aspects of the body like sinus infections, blood pressure, and many other conditions. Therefore, you can also treat some health issues if you sleep in the right position

The following 9 sleeping positions will help you treat various health conditions:


The position in which you sleep might improve or worsen a headache. Very often, headaches are a result of the twisted neck during sleeping, so make sure you surround your head with pillows to prevent such issues.

Sinus Trouble

In the case of sinus infections, you should sleep with an elevated head in order to prevent the mucus from pooling in the sinuses.

High Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure is elevated, you should sleep with the face down, as this practice has been found to significantly lower the blood pressure.

Digestion Trouble

In the case of digestive issues, you should sleep on the left side, to help digestion with the help of gravity.



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