Health & Fitness

What Your Body Odor Reveals About Your Health !

Your body odor can tell you a lot about your health. It can tell you if your personal hygiene is a bit off, if you’re ingesting something you shouldn’t — and can even be a marker for certain diseases. No need to panic, however. The best thing to do is to be informed, and if you have a smell that is an indicator for something iffy, get yourself to the doctor. Here are some of the most common body odors and what they could mean about your health.

Consistent bad breath

Nobody wants halitosis. It’s embarrassing and people spend lots of time worrying about it. They buy gum, mints, breath spray and more to combat it. But if you have consistently bad breath, it could be a sign of something more than just a bad breakfast choice. Research says that in 90 percent of cases of people who have consistently bad breath, the cause comes from the oral cavity. This can be because of bacterial buildup on the tongue that cuts down on the organic things found there that combat foul odor. Other times, actual tooth decay can cause a bad smell, and when people have poor oral hygiene or a propensity for it, they develop gingivitis and periodontitis.

To combat halitosis, brush and floss regularly, avoid tobacco products and see a dentist twice per year for cleanings and to check the health of your gums. If none of that helps, the smell might be coming from sinus issues, or even from gastrointestinal problems. Best to see your doctor.

Sweet breath

If your breath is sweet, you could have a different problem altogether. Fruity-smelling breath can be a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis, a condition that occurs when the body is unable to break down glucose as fuel because of a lack of insulin. The body uses fat as fuel instead, which releases ketones into the bloodstream. High levels of ketones are dangerous and life-threatening. Have your doctor check your sugar and insulin levels to make sure you’re not diabetic.

It’s worth noting that another sign of diabetes is sweet-smelling sweat. Some people report a maple syrupy smell because there is actually sugar that builds up on the skin. If your breath is sweet and kind of musty, it’s a bad sign that you could have liver problems. Doctors are now using breath analysis to try to detect liver problems. If you have this symptom, schedule a liver test with your doctor to make sure you’re OK.

Sour or rancid sweat


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