Reflexology of the ear
Ear reflexology is just as effective as hand or foot reflexology for relieving stress and pain. There are more than 200 acupuncture points on our ear that connect with various organs and our musculoskeletal system. By applying pressure to these points you can solve various health problems, both physical and emotional.
Most ear charts depict the body and organ systems as an unborn child in a fetal position.
A reflexology map has many stimulation points, and you can learn to massage them to solve simple problems like a headache. For major health problems, it is best to consult an experienced reflexology specialist or a physician.
You can also relieve minor pains by putting a clamp on these points:
1. Back and shoulders.
2. Organs.
3. Joints.
4. Nasal sinuses and throat.
5. Digestion.
6. Head and heart.